2020-10-29 5058阅读
bsc accounting,
bsc banking and finance,
bsc business management, and others),
bsc computer science,
ba/bsc economics,
llb law.
以及 ba social sciences
the essex mba,
master of business management mbm,
msc business analytics,
msc applied data science,
msc data science and its applications,
msc artificial intelligence,
msc artificial intelligence and its applications,
msc intelligent systems and robotics,
msc computational finance,
msc management economics,
msc behavioural economics,
llm international law,
msc psychology,
master of public policy: the essex mpp,
ma politics.
3, 2021年10月新增专业
ma childhood studies - this degree offers a unique psychosocial focus, seeking to understand not only the outer social experience of children but also their complex inner, emotional worlds.
msc international hospitality management - led by the edge hotel school and delivered in collaboration with the essex business school, this programme combines a deeper understanding of the hospitality sector with the skills and knowledge of successful management.
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行业年龄 9年
成功案例 2497人
行业年龄 10年
成功案例 2745人
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行业年龄 8年
成功案例 2136人